Posts Tagged: Executive Salaries

Seven-Figure Salaries at Nonprofits

Executive compensation at nonprofits is on the rise, according to a recent article by the Wall Street Journal. New data from the IRS shows that the number of seven-figure salaries at charities tripled between 2011 and 2014. The organizations that are paying their employees in the millions range from major hospitals and universities to small …


Detroit Museum Defends Executive Salaries

October 23, 2014 Posted by Jessica Shofler in Employment Matters, News, Nonprofits

During a year in which the Detroit Institute of Arts Museum (DIA) campaigned for a property-tax increase to help with its shaky finances, it also awarded double-digit pay hikes to its top two executive staff. This is not sitting well in the suburban counties where voters approved the tax increase, which will result in $23 …